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Writer's pictureDr. Frank Simon

Healthy Dialog About "School Choice" in Kentucky.

Updated: Jul 8

We had Jim Waters, president of the Bluegrass Institute speak to our group and help us digest the legal verbiage of the upcoming ballot initiatives for changes to the Kentucky Constitution. And specifically the Amendment 2 on school choice in Kentucky.

We need to be able to separate the truth from the lies to make educated decisions at the ballot box this fall.

We gave you the verbiage of the Amendment in a previous article and is included is the handout Jim supplied below.

The major distinction we have to make is that those who have the message "protect our schools" seem more interested in preserving an institution, than providing the right learning environment to meet the needs of the child. They also are focused on vouchers which have nothing to do with this Amendment. The Amendment will not fund vouchers or any other school choice program. It does not decide what kind of school choice we would have. The Amendment, should it pass, would just remove the legal barrier and allow non-government funds through 3rd party non-profit organizations to provide funding programs to qualifying families and their children. And that even paves the way for public charter schools to be an option that Kentucky does not have now. This would create incentive for all schools to do better for their students.

Even great schools, can't meet every child's needs.

Don't you think we should focus on students needs, not systems?

If you like your school, you can keep it.

We are in agreement with EdChoiceKY and Kentucky Students First

We believe you should vote "YES" on Amendment 2.

Additionally two broadcasts on KET may be helpful to you.

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